Wednesday, November 22, 2006

You forget how much you miss family when you leave home for the first time! I've never really felt like I missed home considerably but when I had to say good bye to my dad today, who had come down to visit for a few days, I felt really sad and so I had to console myself with Connoisseur chocolate obsession ice cream. But the days my dad was here were great! We went to the Australian War Memorial - which is absolutely amazing. And because dad and I are both interested in history we went through EVERY exhibit, and didn't miss one thing! The war memorial is absolutely beautiful and apparently it is becoming one of Australia's greatest tourist attractions.

The second day we went on a tour of Parliament house with my boss. It was absolutely excellent. I had been there a few times before but it was fun to go with dad and help show him around. We saw the prime minister's office and all the bigwigs offices like Mal Brough, Chris Evans and Kevin Rudd. But the undeniable highlight of the day was when Chris decided to step outside for a smoke. It seems uneventful but while we were waiting in the court yard we noticed that there were a few camera men setting up on the grass. Chris went to ask who they were going to film and it was Mr Kim Beazley himself! Kim is the opposition leader so we waited and we stood about a metre away from him while all these journos huddled around him trying to ask questions. It was surreal and my dad was amazed! It was funny cause I was there snapping away happily with my little personal Kodak and all the other 'proper' photographers had their big Canons and Nikons! It was such an excellent conclusion to the day. Then after that we got chased from the Prime Ministers office because I was going to take a photo. I can understand why we weren't allowed though - it's just a good story to write about... the day me and my dad were considered a security threat to John Howard... priceless!

I love politics and I love Canberra. It amazes me how all the big decisions that affect Australia's 20 million people get made in this political hotspot. It makes me excited when I think of all the stuff that happens behind closed doors - conspiracy theories that could be shattered or made true. It's almost like your touching Australian history in the making!

I've decided that I'm going to save up and go to a different country almost every year or every two years. I have this book called "The Travel Book" and it's a huge document filled with every country in the world. I'm trying to write my travel hit list but it is way too long. Every time I turn a page in the book I want to write down a different country. There is no way I can cut the list. How can I justify Kenya's inclusion over Vietnam? How can I decide between Italy and Mongolia? It's just too hard. I caught the travel bug early in life and I was hoping I would follow a path which would allow me to touch down on different continents on a regular basis... but it doesn't look like this is achievable, and I would never ever want to change jobs.

So I must just go where my heart takes me! So far India is at the top of my list... then Peru then Iran. These are countries which I've been obsessed with in the past and to an extent am still obsessed with. I don't think my love affair with India will ever die, maybe it will flicker in and out of prominence but I think it will always stay there!

Isn’t it weird how we become obsessed with different things?

But Vanuatu is definately one of my true homes!
posted by Lidia @ 4:18 PM  
  • At 4:40 PM, Blogger Alex said…

    I write in english and read in english though i talk more in Malyalam[Language of the state of kerala,India]

  • At 4:43 PM, Blogger Alex said…

    "Isnt it weird how we become obsessed with different things?"

    What i like about it is that, we tend to learn a lot of things. :)

    I too would like to visit places to experience varied cultures.

  • At 7:27 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I dont like politics.
    I don't like that Bollywood profile pic. Then again i dont like bollywood either ;) [except on rare occasions and that rare occasion has not come :) yet..] to the good stuff

    this new template Rocks! It wouldn't be vanuatu pic on the top , would it??

    I like fact that you have the travel Bug... I am starved. I like this idea of "saving and going to a different country"... I am making it a point to do that sometime.

    Did dad buy that ice cream for you??

    Mal Brough huh? I am sure they would have arrested you, if u went there ;)

    and, if u took pics, why not post them??!!

    I can just imagine Chris looking like this + smoke and going out to ask the press people.. he he.. was he wearing that hat? I like that little silent humor you have got going there. :))

    And... thanks for the comment. I get the images by hunting for hours and also sometimes by luck :)

    Ciao Mayt!

  • At 10:59 PM, Blogger GuNs said… come no replies?


  • At 7:41 AM, Blogger Lidia said…

    Alex- that's pretty deadly :)

    Sojourner aka Iris - Haha, i like my bollywood profile pic and that's all that matters :P Nah, it's not Vanuatu, it's actually just one i got off the internet! I suck at technology and all things associated with it! Haha - wrong Chris!!! I'll post pics of my boss and my dad with Kim Beazley in the next entry!
    Guns- i replied!

  • At 3:22 PM, Blogger All Is Whole said…

    Just love ur idea of Dance in parliament.........
    Good sense of humour!!!!!!!!

  • At 8:03 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Sounds like you had a fab time, it's great that you and your dad have shared interests and can enjoy each other's company.
    I know, it IS so weird how we become obsessed with certain things. I actually try hard not to get obsessed with stuff, cos it seems like once I latch onto something, it's for life. I am just... faithful that way.
    I still have most of the obsessions I had as a kid, and new ones (most recently Bollywood and blogging, which meet very nicely in my 'Bollyblog', are being added to the list a bit more often than I would like!
    India is right at the top of my 'places I must travel to' list as well.. although I am determined to see a thousand other places too.

  • At 10:47 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hi, Amy!

    I love the sound of "The Travel Book", is it something like a travel almanac? I'm with you, in that, I, too want to travel the way to do that would be to work for the airlines. I did that for a couple of years and got to see quite a few places, ofcourse, I didn't get to live in them however - that I will do when my kids are older and have left the nest.

    Love your profile picture. Not being computer savvy, I'd love to know how you did it!

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Genuine politics -- even politics worthy of the name -- the only politics I am willing to devote myself to -- is simply a matter of serving those around us: serving the community and serving those who will come after us. Its deepest roots are moral because it is a responsibility expressed through action, to and for the whole. - Vaclav Havel

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